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Dissolving Deductible


When you become a member, you and your family will have access to a nationwide network of pre-qualified Auto Body Repair Facilities, from which you can choose from, that will provide guaranteed workmanship on the repair of your car.

Members enjoy numerous Benefits, including:


*Elimination or *Reduction of current Auto Collision Deductible based on years of claims free Membership.  


*Free Rental Car while vehicle is being repaired.


*Free Pickup – Tow from Accident Location to Qualifying Repaired facilities.


*Reduction on your current Auto Insurance Premiums by allowing to choose of a high Deductible policy.

*In the event of a collision Auto Accident for Members who have been claims free for minimum of one year, with an actively paid full Discount / Latin Auto Club membership we will reduce or eliminate the Deductible set by your Auto Insurer current policy up to the amount of $250.00  for each  of your claims free year, capped at 4 years of claims free membership with a Maximum deductible savings of $1,000.00.


Please see specific Details and restrictions for reimbursement and claim form on members Benefits page.


Guaranteed Diminishing Deductible Schedule:

Sample Savings ! 


Benefit is not associated with Alliance Direct Benefits b offered by LAC

© 2019-2020 by Discount / Latin Auto Club    HOME  MEMBER LOGIN  PRIVACY POLICY   SIGNUP      TERMS & CONDITION

Memberships are combination of products and services offered by Discount / Latin Auto Club and the Alliance Value Plan Benefits are Administered By Alliance for Affordable Services, a nonprofit corporation formed under the laws of the District of Colombia   . THESE PLANS ARE NOT INSURANCE and are not intended to replace existing insurance. Membership is not an insurance contract, and can include access to insured and non-insured benefits. Benefits explained herein  are offered at Discount / Latin Auto Club & Alliance Direct sole discretion; may vary by availability, package option, vendor, each member's state of residence; and may be subject to change. Limitations and restrictions apply. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice.

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